That day is a dream ~~~
one of my dream come true (cry)
I finally meet TAEYEON !!!! see her infront of me , listening her LIVE !!! OMO OMO OMO
I haven back from this dream ... she is too beautiful OMG 无法用言语来表达 真的太美了
her live is perfect !!! Finally can hear she live cry cry cry her sound is too perfect . like playing the CD ...
actually me and my friend when there just to take the banner and photocard and try the luck to hear rehearsal . We just decide that before the concert because the banner is too beautiful. 我还想去接机呢XDXD
BUT when come to that day my friend told me her friend got ticket for us .... at that time my expression is omg is that real ?!?!?! really ? really?confirm ? unbelievable it is real !!!! cry cry cry again ...
Then the ticket is hardcore zone !!!!! HAPPY kid here
the view is soooooo clear
I saw them very clear in front if me and then hardcore zone is number sit
watch concert in this clear vision and comfortable sit 简直是天堂you know.
SUPER JUNIOR performance is too nice !!! the preview of their SS7 超级享受
let me want to go SS7 too hahah
MAMAMOO melody is perfect 100% their sound is too good. although solar is injure the performance also very good hope she get up soon.
我是有多努力的去拍他们 因为拍到我的电话都FULL MEMORY了 哈哈哈
一边 录 一边删除 东西 XDXD
btw it is really hard to record her (taeyeon ) when she is performing
too many banner and light and phone and hand .
upload here some cut part of their performance to you guys to feel the concert .
HALO ***帅死了全部
LEGEND is back !!!SUPER JUNIOR !!!
: 13.01.2018 : 我还没有醒真的😂
真的很突然 的幸福
原本只是去打算拿应援的东西 还有碰碰运气看会不会有彩排 在外面听下音乐就走人
怎么知道 谢谢给票的人谢谢sansan'sbae 感谢讷
我昨天到底看了什么 !!! 金泰妍我天我跟赵佩珊 第一次看她 第一次现场 第一次是第一次! 激动 不是开玩笑 激动 票还要是hardcore 那个视线真的清楚到 我都不好意思讲 做梦都想去看的 咋们女神 终于看到了 完全没差别 美到爆炸 像电视机走出来那样一摸一样 唱现场太好听 (哭哭哭) 梦寐以求的事情发生了
看sj 的演唱用2个字来形容 就是享受 超会带气氛的 超享受 elf来看超值得 完全是他们演唱会的感觉 brief ss7 弄到我很想去ss7 哈哈哈 帅呆啦各位 *虽然看了很多次sj 但还是帅
Mamamoo合音不是盖的 很喜欢合音🙌 solar要快快好起来哦
还有就是Halo 颜值 100分!! ✋真的100分~